When to Consider Outsourcing Your HR.

Outsourcing HR

Outsourcing some or all of the functions of HR, such as recruiting, benefits, training and employee development, can be a great help to any type of business. Small businesses think of HR support as an afterthought – a reaction to issues in the workplace. Businesses that can afford to have an HR department – or at least an HR professional – will find a field that has a lot of specialized professionals. 

Does this mean you should hold out for a generalist? Absolutely not. An outside vendor could be a great fit for special needs outside of your internal employees’ area of expertise. For example, an outside source could handle labor relations and contract negotiations with labor unions. Where internal HR teams could be focused on their own company’s industry, an outside vendor may be more aware of general recruiting trends, such as beneficial certifications to watch for in applications.

It all depends on your business, and what your priorities are. If you could use some help with your HR operations, let’s talk.